The Best Vocabulary Books
Here are the books that I used to master Spanish vocabulary! Buy yours from Amazon now by clicking on an image below. You won't regret it!
My Favorite Grammar Books
Master Spanish grammar with the same books I used. Click on one of the books below to purchase yours on Amazon now! It's how I became fluent and you can too!
Los Mejores Libros De Gramática
Domina inglés como los nativos con estos libros. ¡Haz click en cualquier libro para comprarlo en Amazon ya!
Los Mejores Libros De Vocabulario
Aprende las palabras más importantes que usan los hablantes nativos de inglés americano todos los días. Haz click en cualquier libro para comprártelo ya!
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ReplyDeleteTuve la suerte de encontrar 4 libros por la empresa McGraw Hill en un mercado de cosas de secundo mano y me gustan todos que son: Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Past-Tense Verbs, The Spanish Subjunctive up Close, Spanish Pronouns up Close, and Spanish Pronouns and Prepositions. He usado libros de la empresa Assimil por otras idiomas pero no español pero pienso que sus productos son muy buenos in general. Living Language Spanish es otro producto que me gusta para aprender español y otras lenguas. Normalmente hay 3 niveles de este método con CDs incluidos: Essential, Intermediate and advanced. Spanish the Easy Way by Barron's es un libro que no esta mal.
ReplyDeleteMe gusta el libro por la empresa Barron's que se llama 1001 Pitfalls in Spanish que tiene tantos ejemplos de problemas notables en español que uno se pregunta si es posible recordarse de muchos de ellos. Finalmente, me gusta el librito por Barrons que se llama Spanish grammar. Este libro es muy pequeño y perfecto para llevarlo en una bolsa pequeña para mirarlo cuando uno esta esperando en una linea por ejemplo o para revisar cosas rápidamente.
In general I don't think any 1 book or method is perfect. One can find the book(s) that seem to work for you- maybe not others, and go from there. Languages are my passion so I tend to have many resources for learning them and of course I have my favorites. I keep telling myself 'basta', what I need more than anything is always more conversations in Spanish.
Good luck.
Would like to suggest 3 grammar books we used at the University of Illinois for people studying to teach people English. Most of the students we were teaching English were international students studying to pass the TOEFL test of English so they could enter American Universities. The texts are very comprehensive and some have online resources and or CD-ROMS one can use as well as workbooks that can accompany each text.
ReplyDeleteThe texts are Understanding and Using English Grammar (for advanced students), Fundamentals of English Grammar (lower-intermediate & intermediate students), and Basic English Grammar (for beginners). All 3 texts are by Betty S. Azar and Stacey A Hagen. I used older editions of these but there are much newer editions now. The books are more expensive than some but you get what you pay for. These are books by very professional women with excellent charts, explanations, examples, practice exercises, etc. All 3 texts are 100% in English. Other books may have colored pictures, and greater graphics but I believe if it's grammar you want to master then these books can help. Amazon has them for sure. Good luck.